Recipe: Perfect How to make rice ball

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

How to make rice ball. Hold the rice between your palms. Form the rice into a round, a triangle, or a cylinder by pressing lightly with both palms, securing the filling in the middle. Roll the rice ball in your hands a few times, pressing lightly.

How to make rice ball Cook rice until water is almost absorbed, stirring frequently. Remove from heat and slowly pour in egg mixture, stirring rapidly to prevent egg from scrambling. Divide one portion of rice in two. You can cook How to make rice ball using 7 ingredients and 6 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of How to make rice ball

  1. Prepare of Cooked rice -shinkafa.
  2. It's of Minced meat-nikakken nama.
  3. You need of Eggs.
  4. It's of Breadcrumbs (garin bread)or flour.
  5. Prepare of Oil.
  6. You need of Tattsai albasa da attarugu.
  7. You need of Seasoning and salt.

Create a dimple in the rice and fill with a heaping teaspoon of bonito flakes. Cover with the remaining portion of rice and press lightly to enclose filling inside rice ball. Gently press the rice to shape into a triangle. If using a rice cooker, cook on the white rice setting.

How to make rice ball instructions

  1. Dafarko kidafa shinkafanki yadafu sosai saiki sauke sai yahuce kidauki bowl kijuye shi.
  2. Ki tafasa namanki da kayan dandano da albasa idan kinada nikakke kuma kiyi amfani dashi idan yayi kisauke ki daka shi.
  3. Ki daka Kayan miyan ki kizuba acikin bowl na shinkafa kizuba minced meat naki kihada kisa seasoning da salt kijuya.
  4. Kisamu karamin bowl kifasa kwai kikada sai ki dauki bowl na shinkafanki kidiba.
  5. Kina mulmulashi kaman ball kinasawa acikin kwai sai scrubbing nashi da breadcrumbs kina soyawa acikin mai saiyayi brown zaki iya ci da stew ko vegetable soup your choice Done😋.
  6. Note:zaki iya yi da kwai kifa kwai aciki kisa fulawa kadan inyayi ruwa ruwa saiki na mulmulawa kina soyawa,.

If steaming on the stovetop, bring the rice to a boil, then cover and reduce heat to low. Although a rice cooker is typically used, you don't need one. Use short-grained sushi rice and cook according to the directions. Place a couple tablespoons of the cooked rice in the center of the plastic wrap. Place your desired fillings on top of the rice.